About us

Having format means:
Always do what's appropriate.

Our six values form the basis of our work and guarantee our customers a trustworthy and reliable partnership. Learn more about our values and how they are reflected in our daily work.

No conflicts of interest

Independent asset manager
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Format Vermögen und Anlagen AG is an independent Swiss asset manager with FINMA approval for collective assets. We serve private and institutional investors, manage individual portfolios, funds and pension assets (pillar 3a, freedom of movement, pension funds). Our focus is on trust, attractive investment markets, above-average performance and long-term cooperation.

Independent asset manager
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A healthy basis of trust
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Our customers have the guarantee that we only pursue their interests. We do not allow conflicts of interest to arise, as we live exclusively on our clients' fees and consistently waive remuneration from banks or asset managers (or pass them on to our clients). In principle, we do not work for companies in which we invest.

A healthy basis of trust
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Above-average performance
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We focus on selected investments in order to be among the best asset managers in these areas. The objective comparison with reasonable benchmarks and with the results of competitors confirms that we have succeeded in doing this in the past.

Above-average performance
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Basis for investment performance

Focus on attractive investment markets
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For investments, we focus on Swiss equities and bonds in the world. Experience shows that the Swiss stock market is one of the most attractive and has achieved better long-term returns than most other equity markets. Higher returns can be achieved with bonds in the world than in the money market. This strategy has proven effective and will continue to provide the basis for attractive returns in the future.

Focus on attractive investment markets
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Dialogue on equal footing

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All investment costs are transparent, investment strategies are comprehensible and fees are appropriate to market conditions.

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Partnership-based collaboration

Long-term perspective
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Format Vermögen und Anlagen AG is entrepreneurial and fully owned by the managing partners. Satisfied customers are our best advertisement. Achieving our clients' investment goals is therefore our top priority.

Long-term perspective
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Your wealth,
our formats

At Format Vermögen und Anlagen AG, we offer a wide range of services to achieve your individual investment goals. From asset management to consulting services to retirement planning, we help you invest your assets optimally and secure them over the long term.

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Asset management

Our core business is asset management. We have equity investments, bond investments and mixed mandates. The investment objectives thus pursued include capital gains, income and asset preservation.

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We offer our clients the opportunity to invest in the same investments as we do. It goes without saying that we handle our private wealth with care. The co-investment should ensure a good night's sleep — at least we're in the same boat together.

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Consulting services

We help you choose the right investment and regularly review it for your personal needs. We are able to meet most requirements with our asset management mandates and funds. In special cases, however, we also offer other consulting services.

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Format offers portfolios for all Swiss pension funds. This includes investments for pillar 3a, freedom of movement, mandatory pension fund and supra-mandatory pension fund.

We're wide awake,
so that you sleep well.

That is not only our motto, but also our promise to you. Find out more about the experts behind Format. Our dedicated team of experienced financial experts is here to help you achieve your investment goals and protect your assets.

Customer advice and PM

Operations, Risk & Compliance

Board of Directors


Unser Leitbild

Unser Leitbild ist unser Kompass: Es zeigt, wie wir unsere Kunden auf ihrem Weg zu erfolgreichen Anlageentscheidungen begleiten, Vertrauen aufbauen und eine starke, zukunftsorientierte Partnerschaft gestalten.

Wir unterstützen unsere Kunden im Erreichen oder Übertreffen ihrer Anlageziele.

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Wir beraten unsere Kunden bei der Wahl einer passenden Vermögensanlage und unterstützen sie im Erlangen eines guten Verständnisses für die Finanzmärkte und für unsere Vermögensanlagen. Wir erzielen in unseren Vermögensanlagen Nettorenditen, welche mittel- und langfristig über dem Markt liegen. Die administrativen Arbeiten erbringen wir fehlerfrei und sämtliche Dienstleistungen gesetzeskonform.

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In der Kultur unseres Unternehmens steht das gegenseitige Vertrauen im Zentrum. Vertrauen stärkt Beziehungen und ermöglicht effizientes und effektives Arbeiten.

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Das Vertrauen unserer Kunden in Format. Das Vertrauen zwischen unseren Mitarbeitenden. Das Vertrauen zwischen unseren Partnerfirmen und Format.

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Zur Schaffung von Vertrauen leben wir folgende Grundsätze im Umgang mit Kunden, anderen Mitarbeitenden und Partnerfirmen.

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1. Gegenseitiger Respekt, Ehrlichkeit, Offenheit, Transparenz und Loyalität.

2. Erst zuhören. Erwartungen klären. Lösungen suchen.

3. Ergebnisse liefern, Versprechen halten und Verantwortung übernehmen. Gezielt Vertrauen schenken.

4. Sich der Realität stellen, Fehler wiedergutmachen. Kontinuierliche Verbesserung.

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Bilanz Siegel
Bilanz Siegel
Bilanz Siegel


In recent years, Format has regularly been recognized as one of the best Swiss asset managers for the investment results achieved, including “Asset Manager of the Year” three times (2021, 2022 and 2024).

to dive in?

Contact us for a non-binding consultation. You’re also welcome to reach us by phone. We look forward to hearing from you!

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